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Brit-ish Rhapsody
Purple background, a latina with a pink bandana and pink hoop earrings sings karaoke.

After her mother's funeral, Elena drags her cousins to a karaoke bar.

To travel back in time

through 90s and 00s hits

and answer the question: What if she had never left Chile to move to the UK?


Brit-ish Rhapsody is a new play about losing your mother

your mother tongue

and everyone else you left behind.



With the support of Oxford Playhouse and Arts Council England, Brit-ish Rhapsody was developed in 2022 with the following team:

Director: Mariana Aristizábal Pardo

Actors: Jimena Larraguivel, Cinthia Lilen, Fernanda Mandagará and Cristina Montez 

Natalia started writing Brit-ish Rhapsody when she took part in Playhouse Playmaker, Oxford Playhouse’s Writers Attachment Programme (2020), led by Clare Bayley. In June 2020, an extract of the audio version of the play was presented online as part of Oxford Playhouse's Offbeat Festival with the following team:


Director: Ellie Warr

Cast: Cinthia Lilen, Constanza Ruff, EM Williams, Jack Dorning and Alex Stedman. 

Longlisted for the 2023 Richard Jenkinson commission


"A must-see production that skilfully tackles identity and loss when negotiating the gulf between cultures. I was moved to tears, it evoked a great deal of emotion as I recognised so much of what was in there. I think the work deserves a wide audience!"


Carole Concha Bell, Journalist and PhD candidate at King's College London (Literature of second generation Chilean exiles)


Get in touch here if you'd like to discuss this project further.

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